(C:) Drive


hi— i’m Christian.

if you’re looking for my portfolio,
it lives at My Projects\creative.

i’ve also migrated my Substack
to My Documents\yellowcarding.

i thrive on putting things together that bring joy to people. whether it’s something as big as a 400 GB project folder or as small as an email, my goal is to leave a lasting, positive impact.

i have a tendency to latch onto weird / overlooked / “someone should do this”-type-projects. i often find that the best ideas are the ones you figured someone might have already done but didn’t. a lot of the time those things don’t get done because it’s a weird amount of effort to find all of the pieces of a puzzle, let alone put them together.

every task deserves thoughtful execution. i take pride in the odds and ends, ensuring that the necessary steps are taken to ensure the output stands the test of time. i trust my instincts. i have a knack for foresight enriched by anxiety and overthinking. my ability to think through outcomes and plan for workarounds is a force to be reckoned with. creative problem solving is my favorite thing in the world.

i will forever be inconsistent about en and em dash usage. why do they not have dedicated keyboard buttons?